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Elegant dining area at Zuma Porto Cervo with lush green sofas, rustic wooden tables, and hanging lanterns, surrounded by scenic mountain views.
Elegant outdoor dining area of Zuma Porto Cervo Restaurant with stylish chairs and tables set under a wooden pergola, offering a scenic view of sunlit hills.
Elegant outdoor dining at Zuma Porto Cervo Restaurant with plush seating, beautifully set tables, and a panoramic view of the evening cityscape under a twilight sky.
Elegant dining area at Zuma Porto Cervo with cozy green sofas, wooden tables, and striking decor, offering a view of lush hills.
Elegant waterfront dining area at Zuma Porto Cervo with wooden tables, cozy chairs, and soft lighting, overlooking the serene harbor at night.
Elegant outdoor dining area at Zuma Porto Cervo, featuring plush green sofas, vibrant patterned cushions, and a rustic wooden ceiling, set against a scenic backdrop of lush greenery.
Elegant outdoor dining setup at Zuma Porto Cervo, featuring plush green chairs, neatly set tables, and lush plants under a clear blue sky.
Illuminated entrance of Zuma Porto Cervo, featuring a warmly lit sign on a rock and a path leading to an inviting, upscale restaurant surrounded by natural beauty at dusk.

Zuma Porto Cervo

Créditos fotográficos : Zuma Porto Cervo

4.6 (187 reseñas)

Zuma Porto Cervo


Zuma Porto Cervo es el lugar perfecto si te encanta la comida japonesa y estás en la Costa Esmeralda de Italia. Situado en las hermosas playas blancas y aguas cristalinas del noreste de Cerdeña, es un lugar genial para comer y relajarse junto al mar.

Este verano 2023, Zuma Porto Cervo regresa por segundo año. Promete brindar una experiencia gastronómica increíble con impresionantes vistas al mar. El restaurante cuenta con tres cocinas: la principal, un mostrador de sushi y una parrilla robata. Así que tendrás un verdadero sabor de la cocina japonesa moderna que seguramente encantará a todos.

El ambiente aquí es animado y divertido, en sintonía con las vistas increíbles. Por dentro, es elegante con una cocina abierta, un gran bar y una zona de salón perfecta para una comida inolvidable.

La música en Zuma Porto Cervo es genial y optimista, creando una atmósfera estupenda. Las personas que conocerás aman la buena comida, las bebidas y disfrutar de las pequeñas lujos de la vida.

Ya sea una cena romántica, una comida familiar o una noche con amigos, Zuma Porto Cervo es ideal. ¡Reserva tu mesa ahora para la temporada de verano y no te pierdas una experiencia gastronómica que recordarás siempre!

Escrito por Marco Bianchi - Actualizado el 6/5/2024

Fotos de Zuma

Elegant dining area at Zuma Porto Cervo with lush green sofas, rustic wooden tables, and hanging lanterns, surrounded by scenic mountain views.Elegant outdoor dining area of Zuma Porto Cervo Restaurant with stylish chairs and tables set under a wooden pergola, offering a scenic view of sunlit hills.Elegant outdoor dining at Zuma Porto Cervo Restaurant with plush seating, beautifully set tables, and a panoramic view of the evening cityscape under a twilight sky.Elegant dining area at Zuma Porto Cervo with cozy green sofas, wooden tables, and striking decor, offering a view of lush hills.Elegant waterfront dining area at Zuma Porto Cervo with wooden tables, cozy chairs, and soft lighting, overlooking the serene harbor at night.Elegant outdoor dining area at Zuma Porto Cervo, featuring plush green sofas, vibrant patterned cushions, and a rustic wooden ceiling, set against a scenic backdrop of lush greenery.



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