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Vibrant nightclub scene at L'Arc Dubai with purple lighting, a crowd dancing under hanging lanterns, and mist enhancing the lively atmosphere.

L'Arc Dubai


Crediti foto: L'Arc Dubai

4.5 (1 recensioni)

L'Arc Dubai


L'Arc is a new nightclub opening this summer at the Dubai Marine Beach Resort in Jumeirah 1.

This big club covers 3,600 square feet and can hold up to 700 people. It's outfitted with modern tech like lasers and LED screens for a great visual experience. L’Arc will open from 10pm to 4am and will mainly play Hip-Hop, R&B, and House music. The club features swanky decor with two VIP areas, rose gold touches, and a large bar.

Keep an eye out for events like ladies' night and drink specials once it opens.

Scritto da Amirah Al-Sultan - Aggiornato il 6/5/2024

Foto di L'Arc

Perché prenotare L'Arc con Nox

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Prossimi Eventi

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venerdì 24 maggio, 23:00 - 04:00

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L'Arc sabato

sabato 25 maggio, 23:00 - 04:00

A lively scene at L'Arc Paris nightclub, showcasing a vibrant crowd basking in colorful lights and swirling fog, capturing the essence of an exciting night out.

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Orari di apertura


23:00 - 04:00


23:00 - 04:00


Domande frequenti
