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Elegant interior of Ikoyi restaurant in London, featuring neatly arranged dining tables with golden cutlery and glasses, complemented by a colorful abstract painting on the wall.

Ikoyi Londra

Crediti foto: Ikoyi Londra

4.5 (229 recensioni)

Ikoyi Londra


Situated in the center of London at 180 Strand, Ikoyi is a special place for food lovers. It's not just about eating out; it's a journey into distinct flavors, combining British ingredients with the rich tastes of West Africa.

When entering Ikoyi, guests discover a warm and chic setting. The decoration and gentle lighting make every meal extraordinary, accompanied by soft global music. As night approaches, Ikoyi remains relaxed yet lively, just like London. Here, food enthusiasts and influential individuals come together, all in search of an extraordinary dining experience.

At the heart of Ikoyi is its cuisine. The menu showcases fresh, seasonal ingredients, offering dishes that please both the eyes and the palate. The tasting menu highlights the chefs' skills with enticing and delightful dishes. If you're looking for a unique dining experience in London, Ikoyi is the place for an unforgettable flavor journey.

Scritto da Charlotte Wells - Aggiornato il 06/05/2024

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Prossimi Eventi

Ikoyi lunedì

lunedì 20 maggio, 06:00 - 20:00

Ikoyi  London

Prenota ora

Ikoyi martedì

martedì 21 maggio, 06:00 - 20:00

Ikoyi  London

Prenota ora

Ikoyi mercoledì

mercoledì 22 maggio, 06:00 - 20:00

Ikoyi  London

Prenota ora

Ikoyi giovedì

giovedì 23 maggio, 06:00 - 20:00

Ikoyi  London

Prenota ora

Ikoyi venerdì

venerdì 24 maggio, 06:00 - 20:00

Ikoyi  London

Prenota ora


Orari di apertura


06:00 - 20:00


06:00 - 20:00


06:00 - 20:00


06:00 - 20:00


06:00 - 20:00


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